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What to Look For in a Book Ghostwriter

Before you hire a ghostwriter for your book, there are some realities that are important to understand and consider to ensure that you make a good choice.  Most people do not realize that there are many different types of ghostwriters; but like other professions, there are many different specialties when it comes to ghostwriters. Ad-Copywriter […]

What Does a Ghostwriter Do?

As the author of a critically acclaimed book, I began to get approached by publishers and other would-be writers asking me to ghostwrite for them.  At first, I was reluctant, but as I interviewed my first few clients, I began to grow fascinated with the stories they had to tell. These were people from diverse […]

What is Ghostwriting?

So you’ve decided to turn your idea into a book but don’t know how to do it or where to start. You need help.  You’ve considered hiring a ghostwriter, but you are not sure what a ghostwriter is or does.  And what ghostwriting services do you receive for your money? Ghostwriting is someone else writing […]

How to Write A Book in 60 Days or Less

Writing a book is a difficult task.  This article could talk about setting down to write five pages a day for the next forty days and then spending the next twenty rewriting, but are you really going to do that? You may have a creative mind and the ability to come up with the plot, […]

Why Did Barack Obama Write a Book Before He Ran for Office?

When Barack Obama attended Harvard Law School, he was elected President of the Harvard Law Review. This historic first for an African American gained national attention and earned Obama a book deal to cover the issues of race relations. After graduating from Harvard magna cum laude with a Doctorate of Law, Obama took a professorship […]

5 Ways Hiring a Ghostwriter Helps You

So you’ve finally decided to write that book?  The next question is are you going to write it yourself?  Odd question? Maybe not.  You may feel uneasy about getting help writing a book, but hiring a ghostwriter is fairly common.  About half of the books on the market today are written by ghostwriters. Why? Because […]

How to Write a Book

People come up with great ideas for books every day.  They put a lot of thought into these ideas and even develop intricate plots and storylines.  Although they may jot these elements down, seldom do people actually write the book. It is not because they do not want to write the book, but because they […]

5 Reasons to Self-Publish Your Book

Choosing whether to go for traditional publishing or self-publishing is often a matter of how big your platform is and whether you have the time it takes. Most major publishers will not consider a new author unless he has a guaranteed audience (platform) to sell to. That means a large enough blog following, is a […]

What to Expect When Working With a Ghostwriter

You’ve begun the process of writing a book and have decided that you will benefit from collaboration with a professional ghostwriter.  The only thing holding you back from hiring a ghostwriter is that you don’t know exactly what to expect or how the process works. Ghostwriting is basically having someone take your ideas and turn […]

How Writing a Book Made Rick Warren

Rick Warren is a well-known Christian minister.  He is also a well-known author.  It is safe to say that he is a well-known pastor because he is a well-known author.  A little-known fact is that Rick Warren began writing books while he was still in Seminary– before he became a pastor. Rick Warren may be […]