Ghostwriting vs. Co-Writing: Which Option is Right for You?

What's the difference between a ghostwriter and a co-writer?
What’s the difference between ghostwriting and co-writing?

Are you considering hiring a professional writer to help you bring your book to life? If so, you may be wondering whether to choose to hire a ghostwriter or co-writer. While both options involve working with a professional writer, they differ in terms of the writer’s role and level of involvement. Here’s what you need to know to make an informed decision:


  • A ghostwriter takes on the entire writing process, from research to proofreading, based on your input and ideas.
  • You’ll only need to spend around one hour per week with your ghostwriter to ensure that the project is on track.
  • A ghostwriter can help get your book published and can be the easiest way to complete your book in the shortest amount of time with the least effort.
  • However, a ghostwriter may not be able to help you with the co-writing process if your book doesn’t fall within their preferred genres or markets.


  • A co-writer can help you with specific aspects of the writing process, such as organizing your material, checking your facts, or self-editing.
  • A co-writer can also help with research and feed you information for the book.
  • A co-writer will get credit on the book with you and share in the royalties, but this may mean slightly lower upfront fees.
  • The co-writing relationship is much more intimate and time-consuming, as you’ll partner with your co-writer for the entire process of writing the book.
  • Co-writing can broaden the audience of the book and allow you to make more money, as your co-writer helps market the book.

Which option is right for you?

Choosing between ghostwriting and co-writing depends on your goals and preferences. If you’re looking for a hands-off approach and want a professional writer to take care of everything, ghostwriting may be the best option for you. On the other hand, if you want more control over the writing process and are willing to invest more time and energy, co-writing may be the way to go. Ultimately, both options can help you secure a contract for publication or have your book received well in the market.

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