No Regrets–Write Your Book Now

Promises Made

It's not too late yet, so hire a ghostwriter to write your book, now.

You’ve been promising yourself you would write a book, but it has not happened. If you asked yourself why, your mind would come up with a dozen reasons. None of them are valid. They are just excuses. If you were driving home from work and found the road blocked, you would simply find another way home. You might ask why, but the why would not matter in that situation. You would simply do whatever you had to do to get to your destination. That’s because you must get home.

Dream or Reality

Perhaps to you, writing a book is a dream. Dream as in fantasy. You are not really serious about it. In fact, most people would rather have written a book than actually write one. You want the prestige or honor of having a book, but you do not really want to do the work. You might start, but you stop easily and often forget to ever pick it up again. Moreover, you don’t really ‘need’ to write a book; it would just be nice. Maybe one day, you say. Maybe sooner than you think, if you are willing to hire a ghostwriter.

Goals and Life

Or perhaps for you, writing a book is a goal. It is still a dream, but it is a much more realistic dream, which you intend to eventually achieve. Maybe you have a set time for writing your book, maybe not, but you sincerely plan on writing a book… eventually. The problem for you is that life happens. And when life happens, sometimes goals fall by the wayside. If you are not careful, the goal of writing a book can end up abandoned next to other goals–like getting in shape, making more money, starting your own business, or moving to an island. Luckily for you, unlike losing weight, writing a book is one goal you can have someone else complete for you if you hire a ghostwriter.


Or maybe for you, writing a book is a MUST. Even if it is, sometimes getting an entire book done can feel daunting. The dedication, focus, learning curve, and effort involved can be draining, but ultimately, you know writing your book will be worth it in the end. You may have all the commitment in the world, but that does not mean that you know what you’re doing. Expertise is only a phone call away if you’re willing to hire a ghostwriter.

No Regrets–Promises Kept

In the end we only regret the chances we didn't take, so hire a ghostwriter to write your book, now.

It does not matter which of these people you are. One thing you can be sure of is that you do not want to live or die with regrets–at least not for something that you can control right now. Believe it or not, no matter which one of these people you are, you can reach the goal of writing your book–especially if you hire a ghostwriter.

How I Help You

That is what I do; I help you reach your goal of becoming a published author. I have helped dozens of people reach this goal successfully and profitably. I can help you, too. There is no reason to put it off.  There is no reason to live with regrets.

An in-depth consultation on your book idea is free for a limited time and can save you years of work and anxiety. I will spend up to a half hour on the phone with you discussing: your book idea, your story, your best options for completing your project, my opinion of the market for your story, and other writing and publishing questions you have.

Click here to contact me. Let’s talk about your book and how you can make it happen, today.

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